Sunday, October 23, 2011

TCFV 33rd yr report - my platform violence against women

Thank you for following my blog and as you already know I support a few choice webpages that update our community and inform all of us on ways we can help and stop the cycle. As I was reading on the TCFV webpage, I saw this I wanted to share with u.Honoring Texas Victims This is TCFV’s 33rd year presenting a fatality review of the women killed as a result of domestic violence in Texas. Honoring Texas Victims: Domestic Violence Fatalities in 2010. Texas Council on have researched, to the best of our ability, the stories of 142 Texas women who were killed by partner in 2010. This report pays tribute to the Texas women who lost their lives by memorializing their account of their death. It also helps us as advocates identify and analyze distinguishing of these cases. Please visit this website for full report. There are so many ways you can get involved and help.

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